Monday, August 29, 2005

jackie byebye

This is Jackie.
Jackie is leaving all of us 4th years to go back to Hong Kong for some attachment thingy with supposedly prominent consultants to do research and clinical work for a whole year.
ok... we will miss you. but only a little bit.
Chews + James
Dim sum at Imperial City.
BTW, this is Cheweee's 1st dim sum!
James + Chews + D
Never stuff your gum in your back pocket and sit on it for the whole of lunch. what you end up with is sticky little patches of sweet gum, firmly adhered to the silver wrapping
The Charterhouse Garden
Set up the shisha and despite having only apple, got all worked up about the other decadent flavours.. coconut and mango molasses.

Jackie + Chews

D -- the magic dragon

Futile attempts at lighting the charcoal in the wind with a matchstick. Yah, medical students have little concept when it comes to practical things like so.

D + Cheweee (sunglasses making their rounds again)

In Life, you aim to earn 100 000 units, become a police officer, live in a 60 000 caravan, have no children, stay clear of donating to concerts and art exhibitions, win dance competitions/noble prizes/find a cure for the common cold/write a book and do things like returning a lost wallet to enrich your Life.

Altogether now

x D


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