not like you can actually see what i'm doing
hitting the floor
my loyals
nichola and d
check out scary makeup and hair
i look like a chinese diana ross with fishy looking eye makeup
the whole night
shin was being a boob
by ignoring me
until i untangled my hair
and removed the green from my face
apparently i was THAT scary up close

my biggest fan
(i know ok, you don't lie)
shin wants to tell everyone that i kissed him
from the stage
during the finale
he is just soooo cute when he's drunk!
everything makes him happy :)

(weird) rob + (drunk) dhivya + (fishy diana ross) d
oh, so beeps and shin and i were gonna get a bus to go home
and it's like 1am
in camden town
which is a sliiighty dodgier part of town
and shin starts shouting
"i'm fuckin rich. let's take a cab. i'm fuuuuucking rich"
yea, am i scared that we're 3 small chinese in dodgy camden town?
no shit.
in other news
shin's been enjoying his 2 week break here in london
and all we do everyday
is get up
go to the 38 bus stop
and fare evade all the way to tottenham court road
and then go to boxfresh, paul smith, h&m,
urban outfitters, topshop, mooks, reiss, gap
sometimes we go for lunch
sometimes we go for a walk
sometimes we go shopping
(oh yes!! i have bought new things!! shoooooes)
and beeps think we are like old age pensioners
xx Diana Ross with Fish Makeup
sup dai. london sounds fun. :) you know, sometimes, the best times are spent alone,whether it may be wanted or not.
why not go walk around, take a look at the punks. they're always amusing aren't they?
March 30, 2006 2:22 AM
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