ok, so here's what it's all about
doing the pose
it's what the doctor does whenever he's trying to be serious...you know you've eaten too much when your individual stacks' that high
or when your table is littered with plates
the bitch + slut
spending the day at bugis
where the shopping's good
but only if you're 4ft 11 and have no breasts
i suppose there's always accessories...
pam + liyi + d
shopping can make you go a little loco
but at least you get to bag lots of pretty stuff
d + kimberoo
thank you for sharing the sentiments, for understanding
for listening to me whine when i need to, for those necessary seriousness
and for being completely non-judgemental
i love you kim x
i'm pouty and *heart* peace
a la someone we both can't stand
nat - the domestic bitch
the only raisins left in singapore!
natty + kim + pam + dai
my little brothers have grown up
d + darrelle
at wild rocket
which is supposed to have some really good food
darrelle + nicc + d
we want to be cuuuuute
thanks you 2 for sharing the past with me
and of course darrelle for your zippy rides in town and your membership cards!
then clubbing with some really hot chicks
chrissie + kt
both of you!
you girls really have the enthusiasm and energy for clubbing
so giant hugs for making friday nights something to look forward to
liyi + d + x
and even more clubbing
but sorry about the gastric ulcers
you know i would have done the crazy dancing
in the sticky crowd
like we were 18 again
nat + d + kim
again, one last time
mulling over chocolate fondue and odd pineapples
before one of us makes another million/powers herself into a law firm/tries to save a life
i am myself, when i'm with you
16 and eager - oblivious to the scary realities out there
chatting about boys and clothes and travelling the world
even though we've been there and done it
and i'm sure life will be
as long as you're there
for me as much as i am for you
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