Saturday, September 17, 2005


overheard this conversation in the library in whitechapel. 2 british asian (ie. subcontinental) medical finalists.

Finalist 1: you know yeh, dem Singaporeans, they like so smart yeh.

Finalist 2: i know. iz like, if i studied as hard as dem yeh, i wudn't even know half of da stuffs they know.

Finalist 1: is like yeh, they know everythin. you ask dem summin' and they know it. dey go to lecture yeh, and dey understandin' what da lecturer's on about innit?

Finalist 2: yeh, and dey always gettin top student and prizes and shit like that. maaaaan.

Finalist 1: and yeh, dey do lots of club and socie-y stuff too. coz dey wanna be all-rounders yeh, so dey got to know their medical stuff an' do extra stuff top of dat. you shud see some of deir CVs yeh. its like, we can't compete anymore innit?

well, for a start, might help if they spoke better english.

x D


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