Friday, October 21, 2005

question of the day

in the light of many suicide cases lately, an informal survey was conducted by pamela on MSN. she wanted to find out if people knew how to tell if a person was suicidal.
sometimes, the papers write about suicide cases and the stories include all these suicide notes and drama leading up to it, so why is it that people don't heed such signs and act upon it? and sometimes, they just didnt know why the person jumped. it was very unexpected.
there were many interesting answers.

participant 1:
Don't commit suicide, i'll be very angry if you commit suicide.

yes, thank you for your concern, but the answer being?

participant 2:
do you really want me to answer that? i just learnt about it and i had a test about it yesterday.
they will seek help and leave suicide notes, and start giving prized possessions away or say things like pam, you have been a great friend.

when asked what if these signs did not occur, participant adamantly assured me that "confirm will have one."
one of the most useful answers and well i guess we should all feel assured.

participant 3:
that he is not fat and whinny and seeking attention.

well, that is really helpful, we can now safely put these people away and society will be safe.

participant 4:
well i'll tell the person to jump, and if he does then i'll know he was serious. if he doesnt, then he wasn't serious.

when asked if he thought it might be a bit too late when the person has already jumped, participant answered that "well at least i would know he was serious". hmmm. very interesting. hard hearted but true.

so folks, that was some answers to today's "question of the day!" tune in for more soon!


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