pressie from shin, but really, he's our joint project.
this is our lilac dwarf lop, rhino.
rhino tore a nail, so he ended up with a little bandaged paw. he looked so cute troddling around with it!

rhino rescued from the squirrel
i love my bunny/puppy xx D
ohmygod that is the cutest thing! the rabbit, i mean.
October 17, 2005 5:32 PM
ah haha. you had better come round and see him!
October 18, 2005 12:37 AM
whee! rabbit! my blog is abandoned as of the past quite-many days, agh. just got back from KL; had wine with mangosteens, used the word 'denouement' then giggled, and found out that borders in Times Square and the kinokuniya in KLCC both seem better than the singaporean counterparts. grass being greener on the other side perhaps, etc. also. food is so good there i ate like, twice i normally do. happyness. all i need now, too, is a RABBIT!1! tho the boy's bull terrier would probly eat it O_O
October 21, 2005 5:25 PM
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