some things
1. my computer has decided to flash black and blue screens at me, acknowledging the lack of certain folders which i didn't even know i had to begin with.
i am therefore without a computer or internet access until i decide what to do
2. 17 year old, intoxicated, high speed car crash comes through to A+E
my palms are sweaty like drip drip drip
and i'm soooo excited i want to put cannulas in, cut his clothes off and remove all those straps to the back board, but the nurses beat me to it, and i feel like a completely ignored medical student all over again
3. medicine is great for learning all sorts of interesting things
2 days ago, i was taught the true meaning of christmas -- where, as the story goes, isolated pagan villagers used to meet up and celebrate by having orgies under the mistletoe, so as to "spread genetic material"
today, i learned all the wicked-est "medical acronyms" FLK, TUBE..
and i think, god, we are a naughty bunch.
but can i really say FUBAR BUNDY?
xx D
BTW, merry christmas loveys
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