our first outing as a house

G, Beeps, D + Shin
This is all of us as a "house" going to our first outing together!
UCL boat party.
theme: dress to kill.
also translating to: short skirts, skanky boots...
...men with no dress sense.
...cowboy oufits, GI joes and janes, pathologists
...dress to kill not dress to die o.k?
and us who do not understand the theme and so ignore completely.
3 hours on a 30m, 2 storey boat.
passed by canary wharf 5 times -- idea to kill time.
what else?
rain on the outside deck.
zack "attack" who wouldn't leave g alone.
shin's drunken socialising with randoms.
nat: meeting abiel who's 1st words to me were..
"hey. i've heard a lot about you!" *blink blink*
yes darling. guess who from.
beeps and i whingeing about the lack of men.
cute ones of course.
and then becoming hysterical with a clockwork orange maniac dancing.
coz am not the sort who goes to events as such.
well. ok. only to dress up.

the girlies.
when shin left, realising we were all too young for him.

my housemates.
g the neverendingdishwashingmachine
beeps the let'steachrhinonewtricksringmaster

my roomie.
shin the stayoutofmycosycornerofthebedmonster.
the pet.
rhino! onefurrylilackiloofwiremayhemandcutenessandwarmth
xx Delighted with the bunny
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