cheweee's 22nd
sorry for not posting in such a long time.
this are from last week... *opps*
but at least they are fun to look at and will keep you entertained!
also, had severe tonsillitis which made swallowing sooo painful. was gonna take a picture and post it up here for all to see.
but pam thought it might scare people away.
don't you just love gore?
anyway, it was like the size of a strawb!
and had white bits all down the sides and down my throat.
shin (my primary carer) said it had pus.
PUS in my throat.. on my tonsils. coating it. everywhere.
and the pus made my breath smelly.
shin wouldn't kiss me because of it.

shin is poo coz he doesn't wanna kiss me.
back to cheweee's 22nd birthday!
chews, if you're reading this, sorry there aren't lots lots lots of pictures..
you were too drunk most of the time anyway!

D + Cheweee
Happy twentytwo you
Can you see his badge?
heehee... it says *PISSED*
which is was when i got there to see him!

(Arpana + Tony) + D
Arpana has the NICEST hair.
it's like waist length, is very straight and shiny and silky
i am so jealous of it.
oh. and she can also drink anyone under the table.

Durayd + D + Tony

Lyds + D + Rohma
because we looooved the dark bathroom
lyds couldn't even find the door to get out.
anyway. i look so effin short.
ok. i am effin short.

birthday boy + his girlie
they are so cuuute together.
i am so happy for you chews!
oh, and ho has the nicest pair of pointy turquoise heels.
i waaaaaaaaant.


lee + huong + d + sin min + chews
(and some random up there)
(and some random up there)
movin on to Digress
where there was a dance floor
but everyone was old and drunk
ok. and WHAT is it with these english?
they have abso-fuckin-lutely no control when it comes to alcohol.
you see them fat and distorted
girls: squashed into their 2sizestoosmallspanglyglittery tops
it's like dress code boobs out, wobble arms
boys: chav shoes and so much hairgel it makes them look like kendolls
then they DRINK because they want to be drunk
not because they enjoy it or what to have fun.
but maybe they think that drunk = fun? huh?
anyway, they end up throwing themselves to every breathin blob they see.
like what in clickin electrons made you think that anyone would find your drunkedness and bad dressing a mile within attractive?
go home and think about your stripey purple shirt and tassled tube.
and lay off the gravy already.

shuwaib + stunned chews + fran + raj
sharing out the vices

amanda + d + shiyuan
bundling up and headin hooooome
x Daiii
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