Rhino's bath

this is Rhino.
in the bathtub
he's going to have a bath and be clean
(less pooey bum)

rhino gets a power shower
and looks pissed off
he likes to lick his bunny shampoo foam
i don't think he realises how toxic it is if ingested

drenched rhino
looks like a camel
look at how skinny he is!
it's really all the fuuuuuuur

after some blowdrying
but still looking miffed
in a bunny sorta way

licking in between the toesies
lookey at his little blond patch!

shakin' it all off
fur sliiiiightly bit dryer

bunny ears
want to bite
all fluffy and proper bunny-like
see his white otter tummy?
and his little chinny chin chin?
rhino's paws are soft enough to stuff into your ears
so anyway
my baby went for a castration
he is a eunuch
his scrotum is all shrivelly and blue and useless
he's all moody and appetite poor
but at least i'm saving him from testicular cancer!
maybe that yellowrubberbandbicyclelance man should have thought about that
x D
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