my latest additions
been a very absent so and so.
please forgive.
new things have entered my life.
i am so pleased with myself i want to free fall off ayers rock
please say hello to my newbies.

dvf. it looks so cuuuute.
i can actually wear it as a coat!

white and militant.
this is so s/s 06

my new nokia 7370
hello gorgeous
it makes a really sweet chiming sound when it rotates open.
(sorry pam, decided against the waaay too generic pink razr)

my new lip moisturiser! with clarice the chipmunk.
this stuff really works.
so, this is my happy chinese new year to myself.
seeing as i don't get to go hong bao collecting, and i don't have grand dinners, and i won't get to dress up, and there aren't any CNY goodies lurking in the kitchen...
also, hope that everyone had a good valentine's day! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
x Dai
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