first clinical examinations today
second round on wednesday
and just in case
i wore a skirt and makeup
think should have thought about studying before this morning
miss universe 2006 was won by miss puerto rico

miss japan came in 2nd
and was stunning also

but had most god-awful national costume
perhaps we're still living the high of the last samurai and that (chinese) geisha thing
but to pass some gimpy leather strap ons as the national costume? ...

i <3 miss thailand (THE cuuuutest face!)
miss albania scared me a little bit coz she looks just like angelina jolie with piercing blue eyes that wanna stab you
ok, so my point is
why can't i have huge fluffy hair, a tiny waist, emaciated limbs and a personal stylist to make me just as gorgeous?
go get jealous here
x D
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