i don't see my raisins enough!!
and formy raisins who don't see me enough,
here's sara and i in london
2 days of gossip, bumping into someone we didn't want to see, boyfs (sara's got one!! and kim, he's super brainy), scoffing more than we could eat, ruthless nat (and nat, you bought a dvf?! show!), strange friend's boyfs (yes, we are very intellectual ok), pining for summer dresses, birthday-blahdays-f-f-we're-22, sewing and overdue essays, drawing the line between boyfs and boy friends...

at the end of our huge ass dimsum.
there was a man wearing tiny khaki shorts
it was so tight, am sure his balls were ischaemic

sara + d at home
am very excited coz my bitch is coming to london! and so is natty! yay, i can't wait to see you guys!!
x D
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