Tuesday, June 06, 2006

last week, i saw babies being born. with instruments, under anasthesia, and through a vagina.
and i've decided that having a baby naturally is a fuckload of pain.
plus you are likely to tear your perineum and end up with half-hearted stitches done by the midwife.
please remember that you are shooting a small human being out of your vagina.
so it can't be a pleasant thing.

i've also seen my first TOP.
Termination of Pregnancy.
a vacuum is shoved up into the uterus, and a suction slurps up fetal material into a plastic container.
unfortunately, the vacuum nozzle was too small
and it got stuck
the consultant was annoyed that the nurses didn't have the right equipment
and said
"get me a bigger tube. there are bits of baby stuck in the tube. that's why it's not working"

bits of baby.

x D


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