Thursday, August 23, 2007

brand new me

congratulations on the graduation pammie!
now we're finally graduates, we can boast to everyone that we've spent ages in uni learning lots of complex stuff to make us useful members of society.

well, that's the theory anyway

it feels like life has rebooted

1 gorgeous new flat -- complete with floor to ceiling ikea gear, bay windows and mature greenery
2 fluffy little babies, the tuna lovers
2 dinners with ken *hugs + happy birthday again!* - catching up, gossiping (dating daddy's friend is one big uh-uh), jeans and breakdancing
24 days into employment
6 days to my first pay check

and until that day, dreams or bags, shoes, holidays and internet.
yes, i still haven't got any connection at home


i love work.
i'm learning something new everyday, i actually feel like i'm making use of my life and being productive for once

sure there are those odd patients (and relatives) who undermine your abilities

"excuuuuuse me. are you the medical student?"
or think they know so much about medicine
"i want a test to confirm whether or not he's got Parkinson's"
"sure, the only way to do that is to cut open his brain and take a sample out"
and the demanding ones who think the NHS is there to serve only them
"i want to see the doctor now"
"yes, as does everyone else here"
there is definitely some power involved in this job, and not being arrogant, but i quite like to be in control.

am missing home somewhat, but life could not be any better

so why complain?

x D

ps/ kim + nat: with regards to bet, nat's in the lead. call me when you're free ok?


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