pathetic is
sitting by your lonesome, in front of the computer
at 5 bleeding 13 in the morning
trying to grasp the fundatmentals of oxygen therapy
especially for those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
why i need to know how to ask a relative for consent to a post mortem
when in reality most relatives will consent to anyway
is beyond me
but obviously not my uni -- for they have set this task every year
i am ravenous
and there is nothing to eat...
why i had to eat 7 slices of bread (including the ends) in the afternoon when it was warmer?
and leave myself the cold soba, on a very cold night
and then knowing that my boyfriend is far away
in an a&e department somewhere in hertfordshire
clerking in geriatrics who have forgotten their DOB/current cancer/political correctness
means i have to settle myself to bed on my own and have nothing comforting to sniff

come home quick
x D