Sunday, December 23, 2007

Been away

I've been away for a while.

Just don't really have the mind to update for now.
Glad to know you're holding the fort dai!

FYI, going to Jakarta tomorrow


xoxo, spam.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

some things

1. my computer has decided to flash black and blue screens at me, acknowledging the lack of certain folders which i didn't even know i had to begin with.

i am therefore without a computer or internet access until i decide what to do

2. 17 year old, intoxicated, high speed car crash comes through to A+E

my palms are sweaty like drip drip drip

and i'm soooo excited i want to put cannulas in, cut his clothes off and remove all those straps to the back board, but the nurses beat me to it, and i feel like a completely ignored medical student all over again

3. medicine is great for learning all sorts of interesting things

2 days ago, i was taught the true meaning of christmas -- where, as the story goes, isolated pagan villagers used to meet up and celebrate by having orgies under the mistletoe, so as to "spread genetic material"

today, i learned all the wicked-est "medical acronyms" FLK, TUBE..

and i think, god, we are a naughty bunch.

but can i really say FUBAR BUNDY?

xx D

BTW, merry christmas loveys

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

goodbye to the wicked

happy, easy, laid-back
this is mostly ME

but i have managed to spend the last few frustrating days
under the suffocating weight of a very difficult someone
arrogance. bitching. rudeness. total ingrate.
it would be usual for me to just ignore and move on

so in a way, i am glad to be just that..
moving on
done with this ceaseless insufferable slog
with someone who's stagnanting mid-life

done. done. done.
i am on my way
and bound for bigger and better things
because i can

x Decidedly relieved

ps/ because sugar makes me smile, i eat coconut cream muffins

Saturday, December 08, 2007


come next week
i will be the urology house officer


but before i go off to thoroughly examine 5789432 prostates..
my endocrinology teammates
who i am going to miss lotslotslots

d (the team's bitch) + eliza (student/part time phlebotomist) + vicky (part time phlebotomist's supervisor) + john (the "7ft 15 giant") + tara (the fashionista) + jules (the issuer of jobs)

we *heart* MRSA

d + john + tara

xx D

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

when i'm bad

i'm very very bad.

damage this weekend:

2 dresses - one, stripey + short=cute; two, black and bowed=cuter
1 pair tanny/brown heels (for work, not really counted)
trousers, too long for my short legs (btw, ken, we still need to work on this...), but might work with newly acquired heels
stripey shirt (also for work, not really counted either)
long silver necklace, must have ok?
retro hair grip (necessary)
jersey tunic top
pink cable knit, was too pink to say NO to
3 tubs of junk food from M&S (no matter how good they are to their wholesalers, it's still junk)

partners in shopping crime

how i spent in excess of £300, i'm not quite sure..

x D
feeling very very bad indeed..