i wish my camera didn't get wet. so i could take plenty of pictures.
why is it when you're hungry, nothing in the fridge ever seems to satisfy you? and then you buy a whole load of stuff to fill you fridge with. and when you're actually hungry the next time round, non of them are appealing.
went shopping. bought the cutest pair of shoes.
and lots of cheap and cheery stuff from H&M. t shirts, tops, sweaters, cardis.. all in preparation for winter.
and come 10th novemeber, stella mccartney's new collection will be out.
things i want...
silk bomber jacket
skinny black trousers
oversized jacket
now want to buy MORE shoes.

i <3>
why can't i be taller? or thinner? ok, what i really want to be is petite. coz i think that's just so cute.
i want surgery! cellulite is just so unattractive. i want great big breasts and super thin arms. hah.
speaking of surgery. am supposed to attend neurosurgery. which is not something to look forward to. but as my consultant is the one grading me and will never see me outside of theatre 10B, i have to make an effort. so, what can i expect. well, first, the need to lift the scalp off the skull. that's hair and skin and all fascias and whatevernots (don't ask me about anatomy. like i have a clue. please). so, the skull is revealed, and they have these bone drills and saws to cut through the bone. because the saw only cuts partway through the skull (don't wanna be severing the brain see...) you need a chisel to break through the remaining bit of skull.
currently addicted to: pineapple (freshly cut. yes, i cut my own pineapple), apple crumble, milo.
how cute is this bra and pants?

want to curl my hair. coz i'm sick of it being straight. everyone wants poker straight hair. i want dirty curls. like the olsen twins.
emma watson is pretty. its like you read the books and they describe her as having bushy hair and rodent teeth, but in the movies, she has perfectly crimped hair and a cute smile.

rhino doesn't stop humping me. shin has to fight for my affections now.
someone share some gossip with me, coz seriously, neurology has frizzled my brain. i have missed about 1 week of attachment due to my sheer laziness. and it's only been 3 weeks so far.
actually, princess of wales, diana, wasn't that attractive. she had massive lion hair, and only wore pencil skirts.
some people i miss...

ken... where have you been? haven't heard from you in ages.
matt. thank you for making my ass a litle smaller and my boobs a little bigger.
nattykins. don't know where you have disappeared to either. presumably you are busy with your boyfriend or essay or ebaying like crazy.
my skinny biatch. hahaha. change the skin, i quite liked the last one. but can we have stars and fairies and lots of bitch photos of us? i want mischa barton and claire danes and kirstin kruek on our blog too. in little sqaures.
i also miss zouk. i mean, that's sad.. like pathetic... isn't it?
x lots O love. Delinquent