Sunday, October 30, 2005

you'll wanna see this!

hey dai! check out this new tv programme that's so hot in singapore now! there's someone there that i think you'd wanna know about! hehhehe

surf around, there are fan clubs for him. hahhaha

love spam!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

our first outing as a house

G, Beeps, D + Shin
This is all of us as a "house" going to our first outing together!

UCL boat party.
theme: dress to kill.
also translating to: short skirts, skanky boots... with no dress sense.
...cowboy oufits, GI joes and janes, pathologists
...dress to kill not dress to die o.k?
and us who do not understand the theme and so ignore completely.
3 hours on a 30m, 2 storey boat.
passed by canary wharf 5 times -- idea to kill time.
what else?
rain on the outside deck.

zack "attack" who wouldn't leave g alone.
shin's drunken socialising with randoms.
nat: meeting abiel who's 1st words to me were..
"hey. i've heard a lot about you!" *blink blink*
yes darling. guess who from.
beeps and i whingeing about the lack of men.
cute ones of course.
and then becoming hysterical with a clockwork orange maniac dancing.
coz am not the sort who goes to events as such.

well. ok. only to dress up.

the girlies.
when shin left, realising we were all too young for him.

my housemates.
g the neverendingdishwashingmachine
beeps the let'steachrhinonewtricksringmaster

my roomie.
shin the stayoutofmycosycornerofthebedmonster.

the pet.
rhino! onefurrylilackiloofwiremayhemandcutenessandwarmth

xx Delighted with the bunny

Saturday, October 22, 2005

neon coloured fishies!

i'm not a fish person but this is so exciting! hehehhe yesterday my friend decided he needed some albino fishes for his tank, because they would clean the tank up! hehhehe. they eat all the dirty things in the tank. and u know what? after putting it into the tank, it pushed all the waste into a pile! i can't believe it did that! so diligent! hahaha anyway, while we were at the shop, we were very excited by some fishes! they were NEON coloured!!!!! pink, green, yellow, orange, blue and black!!!! hahahahha. it's hilarious! i've never seen them before! and so seng said that we could each get one and put it in his tank, and now his tank has become an attraction because we keep going to look at our fishes! hehhehe

Clockwise from top left: Casey Jr., Seng Jr., Pam Jr., RX Jr.

Seng says that you need to put them in with the packet first so as to let them get used to the surroundings for a while before you can let them out of the packet! hehhe

Oh! they're on their way out of the packet!

And here they are! finally swimming about in the tank! hehheheh

because they're bodies are transparent, we were wondering if we could see the food going down when they ate! but they have still to eat in the tank yet! cause i think they are a bit afraid and don't actually dare to move about. i'm afraid Pam Jr. may die first! because it's so sedate and simply keeps stonning in the tank! it doesnt move and just hides at the back. maybe it's really traumatised being in the tank? sob.

love spam!

Friday, October 21, 2005

question of the day

in the light of many suicide cases lately, an informal survey was conducted by pamela on MSN. she wanted to find out if people knew how to tell if a person was suicidal.
sometimes, the papers write about suicide cases and the stories include all these suicide notes and drama leading up to it, so why is it that people don't heed such signs and act upon it? and sometimes, they just didnt know why the person jumped. it was very unexpected.
there were many interesting answers.

participant 1:
Don't commit suicide, i'll be very angry if you commit suicide.

yes, thank you for your concern, but the answer being?

participant 2:
do you really want me to answer that? i just learnt about it and i had a test about it yesterday.
they will seek help and leave suicide notes, and start giving prized possessions away or say things like pam, you have been a great friend.

when asked what if these signs did not occur, participant adamantly assured me that "confirm will have one."
one of the most useful answers and well i guess we should all feel assured.

participant 3:
that he is not fat and whinny and seeking attention.

well, that is really helpful, we can now safely put these people away and society will be safe.

participant 4:
well i'll tell the person to jump, and if he does then i'll know he was serious. if he doesnt, then he wasn't serious.

when asked if he thought it might be a bit too late when the person has already jumped, participant answered that "well at least i would know he was serious". hmmm. very interesting. hard hearted but true.

so folks, that was some answers to today's "question of the day!" tune in for more soon!

Monday, October 17, 2005


this is shin.
shin came back to london and i dressed him up ridiculously.

these are our reflexology socks.

i am a carpenter wannabe
shin is pised off with making homemade furniture

Borough Market 011005

in the queue, waiting for our chorizo + rocket sandwiches

queueing again with my mushrooms + peaches

buns buns buns

d + shin (hello sweetie!)

UK Bboy Championships 091005

Go Nihonnnnn!

Ya. that's them. too bad bad Japan lost to Korea's Project Soul, who were very very very good! was very proud in the end that Project Soul won cause they added some oreintal flavour! they beat France's Pokemon (who had a really cute bboy *ahem*) in the finals! lots and lots of routines and some crazy footwork. Plo, i wanna show you videos!

me and the reason i hardly blog. hello shin.

This is what i was telling you about pam! my new baby!
pressie from shin, but really, he's our joint project.
this is our lilac dwarf lop, rhino.

rhino tore a nail, so he ended up with a little bandaged paw. he looked so cute troddling around with it!

rhino rescued from the squirrel

i love my bunny/puppy xx D

Friday, October 14, 2005


omg. i think i have lost the will to attain enjoyment from anything.

i went into topshop and didn't find anything i wanted.


x D

ps. hey bitch, happy happy birthday! love you lots.. sorry i can't send POP. it's just friggin expensive.

the return from a hiatus

Hello all! i have been soooo busy! and i'm assuming so have dai! hello shin! please return dai to us for a while. heheheh. anyway, school's been a whirlwind of projects and reports. whirlwind seems to connote a happy feeling, maybe i shouldn't be using that world.

i've just celebrated my 21st birthday not too long ago! hehehe. and i had like four celebrations! but i only made collages for three because i was too lazy. the night before my birthday, my hall mates threw a celebration for me! it was a 'surprise'! basically, we were informed about it and had to act surprised. hahahah. the sms said "meet at 1030 pm at green block to celebrate jiali and pam's birthday!" thanks guys! hehhehe. surprised are sooo overrated anyway! hehhehe

and then on the night of my birthday, we went for dinner at sistina! with alex steve kz D niccole tim greg net and ray! love u all! heheheh it was great fun! and thank you to those who have been up since 6 am but still came for dinner! and after that we went to coco latte! wanted to go to liquid room but it was too crowded! so we ended up in the 'kiddy' place! hehehhe. and i saw Ann kok while queueing for the ladies! i didnt even know it was her! i asked her if she was in the queue and then walked past her! hahhhha. but she's really not as booby as they make her out to be in the media! must be all the pushups! hehhhe.

on saturday, i went home for dinner with family! but that's the one which i didnt make a collage for. hehehehe. anyway didnt wanna have all my aunties and uncles pics in. just in case they wouldnt wanna be 'featured'! hehhehe

on tues, we had a very belated celebration! a bbq that was set up by 'bestest'! hahahha. and it was more of an excuse to have a bbq and to get people to come. in his words, "how else do u get people to come?" therefore, pam had another celebration! hahahhah

yup! so that's about it! hhehhehe.hope you guys had your fill! hehehhe

love spam!

Saturday, October 01, 2005


ok. so, got back from some psychiatric users self help groupn (called PSST). and all i can say is, WHY are they being so contradictory? *grooooan*

so, they have loads of really dense, chocolate, sugary sprinkled donuts and glazed danishes and capri-sun (or sonne, whichever) -- which can i just say is full of sugar -- as well as an endless supply of highly calorific jammy dodgers, which they are scoffing like the bloody factory's going to shut down. and one of the members say "these drugs they givin' us, makin' me put on weight innit? like 5 years ago right, i was a size ten. now, imma size 14."

*blank look* uhh... well, maybe just maybe, if they didn't put tempting treats on the table...

then they say, "why should us ment'al patients be treated any different from ar'er patients, like with cancer or whatever. why can't the doctors just treat us like normal patients?"

to which i think, well, surely it's your mind that we're most concern about. and well.. isn't it your mind that ascertains how you perceive things, or react to things, or treat other people? so, if you're likely to be violent, well, no shit you're going to be treated differently. which is why the NHS has a "will not treat" policy on violent patients. coz our safety is most important. anyone could work that out.

and despite saying that they want to be treated like normal patients, (who have to wait in common waiting rooms, and wait to be seen, and sometimes have to sit in cubicles on their own) they say that psychi patients should really have their own "chill out" room where they can all go and vent out their anger.

as if there can be provisions for all the different groups of people who come into A&E. imagine. an RTA (road traffic accident) room, a cardiac arrest room, a drunk + delirious room, etc..

oh pooooooo.

looks like psychiatry is going to be a highly unlikely career.

x Dying for fluoxetine